Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Flower



since 1829



Foundation of the Brooklyn Sunday School Union

The Brooklyn Sunday School Union was established on April 8, 1816, by a collective of community-minded individuals. This diverse group had a common goal: to create a positive change in Brooklyn and foster a sense of community through the concept of Sunday Schools. Their efforts aimed not only at providing moral and religious education but also at improving the town's reputation and attracting new residents and businesses.

Anniversary Day Parade and Community Impact

Beginning in June 1829, the Anniversary Day Parade became a staple event commemorating the Union's inception. It grew in scale and significance over the years, with the 100th anniversary attracting over 100,000 participants from more than 200 schools. While participation has fluctuated, the parade continues to be a vibrant expression of the community's commitment to religious education. The Brooklyn Sunday School Union remains an advocate for the role of Sunday Schools in teaching about Christ and the tradition of the parade underscores the enduring legacy and influence of the Union on Brooklyn's community life.

Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Flower


save the date

Signs of Dementia and Alzheimers‘ Workshop

Workshop #1

Feb 19, 2024 | 10 AM - 2 PM

Newman Memorial United Methodist Church

257 Macon Street

Brooklyn, 11216

Paster: Rev. Scharlise Dorsey

Breakfast will be served from 9:00-9:45 am

Multi generational African women and girls in national costumes

Workshop #2

March 2, 2024 | 10 AM - 2 PM

Quincy Senior Residence

625 Quincy Street

Brooklyn, 11221

Lunch will be served

Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Flower
Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Flower


save the date

Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Flower
Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Flower

jamaica sunday school association

Get caught up in the excitement and join the

Brooklyn Sunday School Union and the Anniversary Day Parade!


June 06


Serious diverse kids in classroom


Starting and

end points to

be announced

Did you know

Public Schools are closed in all five Boroughs so you can attend with your child/children and they will not miss a day of school.

past Events


Nov 4, 2023

NYC faith leaders gather at Brightlight Baptist Church for NYDIS' House of Worship Security Training workshop. Learning to keep our #HousesOfWorship safe and welcoming.

Happy Kids Lying on the Grass

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as them.”

Matthew 19:14 NIV

words of support

Comillas Negras

“The Brooklyn Sunday School Union is just such an ecumenical institution. It was founded in 1816 by a committed group of Brooklynites from all walks of life and diverse number of denominations with the purpose of promoting values through education.”

-Former Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

“I applaud the Brooklyn Sunday School Union for encouraging and assisting churches to improve their methods of teaching and uniting people of faith.”

-Mayor Eric Adams

“[the Sunday School Union is] essential resource to Sunday School programs throughout the Borough. This exceptional organization helps to ensure that churches remain a vital part of Brooklyn’s neighborhoods.”

-NYS Attorney General Letitia “Tish” James

Comillas Negras

For God so loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16 NLT

frequenly asked questions

Lined Contemporary Utilitarian Non-Profit Heart in Hands

Why does there need to be a parade?

A parade is a powerful way to show our faith in Christ and celebrate His love. It highlights the success of Sunday Schools and unites us as a community of believers.

Lined Contemporary Utilitarian Non-Profit Giving Globe
Lined Contemporary Utilitarian Non-Profit Open Book

How does the Anniversary Day Parade help Sunday School?

The parade introduces Sunday School to those who might not attend church, inviting them to think about joining. It also fosters a sense of pride and unity among current members, while highlighting the importance of Sunday School within the church.

Lined Contemporary Utilitarian Non-Profit Unity Outline

Why is the Anniversary Day parade still relevant?

The message of Christ is timeless, and the parade is a joyful, open invitation to celebrate this together. It’s a tradition that connects us all and honors the enduring message of Christ's life.

How can I help to promote the Brooklyn Sunday School Union Anniversary Day Parade?

Lined Contemporary Utilitarian Non-Profit Receiving Heart

You can help promote the parade by talking with your Sunday School leaders about joining in. Spread the word by picking up promotional materials from the Brooklyn Sunday School Union and asking local businesses to display them. Encourage everyone you know to come out and show their support.

Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Flower

Building a more inclusive world, together

Let’s Connect!


125 Fort Greene Place

Brooklyn, NY 11217

office Phone

(718) 928-4445

WE will collaborate with community groups on:

Senior Services

College Tours


Academic Scholarship Referrals

Church Resource Referrals

Security Grants for Church Workshops

Curriculum/ Christian Education Assistance

Health and Wellness Workshops

Legal Clinics

President - Patricia Lett


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